Horse Heaven Wind Farm Project

This project is over 25 miles across and goes from south of Benton City to south of Finley. It is six to eight miles wide from north to south. It will dominate the views of the Horse Heaven Hills.

It will change the Tri-Cities in more ways than we can imagine for decades to come.

Realize what is being proposed very close to Tri-Cities

This photo, taken by a resident Elliot L. Ahola from the east side of Red Mountain, shows existing wind turbine projects visible 30 to 40 miles southeast of Tri-Cities backlit by the sun setting on March 16, 2016.

The proposed wind turbines will occupy the ridgeline of the Horse Heaven Hills to the right to the right of the photo from Finley to Benton City, for just over 25 miles.

How many people are impacted?

Over 100,000 people live within six miles of the project.

Over 250,000 people will see these Space Needle size turbines within 10 to 20 miles day & night.

  • Option 1: 244 - 499 ft to the wing tip 292 ft hub height.

  • Option 2: 150 - 671 ft to wing tip 277 ft hub height.

How many turbines will you see?

Study the map below. It shows how the Tri-Cities will be impacted by the Horse Heaven Hills project.

Click on the locations listed to see the viewsheds created using the CalTopo digital mapping system that show how many turbines will be visible at each location.

If your location is not listed or if you want a site-specific analysis, please contact us at